#30. Bugs To Loom In The Pens of the Bloodpigs | Part Two.


[Episode VIII. / Chapter 35]

OVER THE YEARS, MOTHER MAGDALENA HAD CONSISTENTLY FOUND herself down and back again within the Inner Earth Sanctum originally shown to her by her most beloved pet, Amrita, whom she now got along with as well as she had during the strange, aggravating days of Rita as a robot. Eventually, her sister Hawks came to join her in her secret, special visits. Magdalena needed the presence of Amrita in order to enter the secret Stargate at the edge of Bry Dellows, and it greatly widened her Ajna Chakra — which by this point ‘around the circle’ perpetually glowed vigorously up and between the brows of the Mother, emanating outward in pulses of supersonic multidimensional audible waves; Magdalena usually kept Snake-Rita coiled around her Head like some serpent crown, which was very much okay with Amrita. The serpent crown, along with the lush, throbbing shining of…

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Mike Eye found his passion for literature early in life, and has been reading and writing imaginative stories since elementary school. After working for several years on his own material, Mike Eye finally self-published his first novel, The Aqueous Transmission, in 2016. The author describes his debut tale of dark lore having been completely influenced by TOOL. He studies obscure sciences and philosophies, and is currently working on the sequel to his first novel. He has an incredible ear for music and also enjoys going alpine skiing and taking nature walks in the vast forests of his native New England. Mike Eye’s blog can be found at DarkEsoterika.com.

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