Depressed? Emotional? Read This.

13:20 FREQUENCY SHIFT Kin 223: Blue Lunar Night: “Easter Sunday”

Depression is the inability to construct a future. Rollo May

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

As long as there is a journey there is tension. Some people feel as if they have been dropped into the middle of a strange experiment but were never told the purpose or goal.

We are at a time when sacred view has largely been erased from the human mind. Without sacred view there can be no vision, and “without a vision, the people perish.”

The scientific facts point to extinction. Do we really want another near death experience to wake ourselves up? Haven’t we already died enough? Are we Ready to Change our Minds yet?

This blog entry offers no solutions. Its intention is to activate self-reflection and new ways of perceiving.

The following is an excerpt from a…

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Mike Eye found his passion for literature early in life, and has been reading and writing imaginative stories since elementary school. After working for several years on his own material, Mike Eye finally self-published his first novel, The Aqueous Transmission, in 2016. The author describes his debut tale of dark lore having been completely influenced by TOOL. He studies obscure sciences and philosophies, and is currently working on the sequel to his first novel. He has an incredible ear for music and also enjoys going alpine skiing and taking nature walks in the vast forests of his native New England. Mike Eye’s blog can be found at

3 thoughts on “Depressed? Emotional? Read This.”

  1. “Some people feel as if they have been dropped into the middle of a strange experiment but were never told the purpose or goal”. This is a quite unique expression, but sure makes one stop and think for a moment. First I chuckled, I guess I can’t be depressed. Maybe a bit emotional then ,since now I am thinking, am I among those who thinks I am that aimless, nameless experiment ?🤔

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